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Kids Give a Hand with Fruity S’mores

Kids Give a Hand with Fruity S’mores

Have you ever thought about how food can help children learn and understand the world around them? Watching children become curious and independent is one of life’s wonders, even if it can be challenging at times! While it may not seem obvious, the foods and traditions your family shares together can help your little ones learn what foods their family enjoys, what helps their bodies feel good, and the ways that food can create connections and build happy memories.

That’s one of the reasons we love our Fruity S’mores recipe. As far as recipes go, this one is pretty simple. You just need three ingredients: yogurt, fruit, and graham crackers. But the best part is the fun you can have making and eating this fun snack with your family. We use tangerines, but you can use any soft fruit you have on hand. Just cut into small, bite-sized pieces and you’re good to go. Bananas, strawberries, or canned peaches would all work. Pick your favorite!

Bonus tip: Kids are more likely to try new foods if they have a hand in how it was made. Kids older than five or so can help make a shopping list or pick out fruit at the store. Younger kids may respond well to choosing between two fruit options while they help spoon yogurt on to one graham cracker and add the fruit and top graham cracker.

Remember to rate our recipe after you give it a try. We hope you enjoy eating them as much as we do!