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“New” Keep Cool Outdoors:

“New” Keep Cool Outdoors:

Getting outdoors for life-enhancing movements can benefit your physical and mental health. Soaring temperatures throughout our great state require us to take care before stepping outside for some fun. Here are a few tips to help you beat the heat.

  • Hydrate
    • Drink water and/or electrolyte beverages, before, during, and after  activity  to help keep the body cool. Eating water-rich foods such as watermelon, grapefruit, or cucumbers has added benefits!
  • Use sun protection
    • Wear a hat, sunglasses, lightweight, and bright colored clothing to protect you from the sun beaming on your skin. Apply sunscreen of at least SPF15 prior to outdoor activities to increase protection from the sun’s harmful UV rays.  
  • Plan for the time of day
    • Early mornings or evenings are great times to be active outside and avoid extreme heat. The outdoor temperatures at these times are not too high or uncomfortable.
  • Buddy up
    • Bring someone with you to add to your safety and activity enjoyment. Spread the fun and invite a partner or group to join your outdoor adventures! 
  • Have fun
    • Last but not least, make your activities fun and enjoyable! Add music, and game rules, or switch it up and try something new!

Whether you are in the yard, pool, or local park, practicing overall safety reduces your risk of heat-related injuries. Applying sunscreen, light-colored clothing and a shaded area are just a few ways to keep your outdoor fun safe and enjoyable!